Thursday, January 29, 2009

"New Folder"

So, I hate writing the first post of anything, but this isn't really the first post, rather a piece of writing that I decided to start posting outside the folder on my computer named "New Folder". The one which I didn't want to name, because first of all, I didn't want it to look too conspicuous, and had I gone through the trouble of naming it, I would have realized that naming it would require me to consider the theme of writing that is contained within this said folder. Which, as I am finding out, is not possible. If you decide to read this stuff over the long term, you may come to understand why.
Regardless, these .txt files (were) really just random strings of observations and thoughts, that led me to consider other (hopefully deeper) things underlying them. Like, I consider myself a designer mainly because I take interest in altering and formating the things I see around me, and I feel like if I can take part in altering the things around me, I am improving the quality of my life in some way, as well as satisfy some sort of deep-seated need to create. or recreate? 
But this collection of old files attempted to express, in some way, what the fuck am I feeling? And not that I care if I am a crazy person at times, but sometimes I address whether I am acting like a crazy person at times. So, basically I didn't care for the outcome to be that: yes, your emotion is really just altering the way you are thinking, it didn't displease me in any way, but the fact is, I was "evaluating", and trying to be aware of the reasons behind why I might feel like crap one day, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds another day.
All this aside, "New Folder" has been discontinued as of the moment I press "Publish Post" on this sucker, and hopefully this will just be a new platform. I'm thinking that this to-web publishing thing will help me edit out all the pathetic things I write about, like, my "feelings" for a particular person, or the annoying coughing that is affecting my life.. but not yours: as 'the reader'. 
"the reader" sounds ominous. Like a hawk. Don't be "the reader", be the "observer", as in quantum theory, like a harmless fly on the wall. The observer collapses the wave function, what a horrid and un-useful metaphor. 

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