Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The items I own. Part II

Today consisted of waking up at a reasonably hour after 12 and eating a variety of cereals of my choosing, with milk from the back of the fridge. The very back.*

And so, after this lofty process of waking was complete, I proceeded to my room where eight (8) large industrial-strength garbage bags were filled with items I possess. But no longer possess, of coarse. 

After a grueling 48 minutes, I was mentally tired from repetitively recalling the questions outlined in my previous post: Does this item enable me? and Does this item contain knowledges?

Might I add that I was also physically tired from lifting the mere "eight (8) large industrial-str.... bags" and felt that I deserved a shower and the rest of the day off catching up on design blogs and peer flickr photostreams.

This is definitely not over though. Perhaps tomorrow I will buy more milk**, but then proceed diligently with the rest of the junk that I am still, sadly, staring at at this moment. In my peripheral and focal vision. 

*dodge city

**a banal activity that will simulate 'normal living'.

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