Wednesday, February 18, 2009

old people

I have a soft spot for cute old women desperately trying t0 preserve their vanity. I was sitting at the bus stop, and one of them passed by me. She had a stroller-walker-apparatus-type-thing, it took her a total of 4 minutes to completely pass me, so I had plenty of time to study her.. ensemble. Her hair had meticulous pin curls framing her face, she wore a darling satin scarf that I'm pretty sure had the word "Paris" all over it, the 'i' in the word being a Chagall-style illustration of the eiffel tower. Her skin was dead porcelain, as with most oldish people. But she was wearing scarlet lipstick, and I mean the high-chroma variety. Her nails a french manicure.
I can't say exactly that I personally want to turn into one of these dainty ladies, but I find them to be so fascinating. They spend so much effort getting made up, to go to the local food court at the mall. so cute.

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